John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
I know God answers our Prayers, it may be yes, no, or wait, we may not like the answer,but God always answers Prayer. Ron and I Daily asking the Lord to give us a grateful heart in all circumstances. I Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Being thankful for everyday the
Lord gives us.
Ron and I want only to be in the Will of God. We thank the Lord for these 2 young men in our lives, these are our sons Ronnie and Nathan whom are so supportive and great cooks making a great healthy meal for all of us. We ask the Lord to Bless them daily, Minister to thier hearts. As you can see they get pretty excited when they are both in the Kitchen! They are GREAT COOKS! YUMMIE!!! They are also goofballs, Lord love on them. Bless you all and we Pray that you all are having a peaceful evening and may the Lord Jesus Bless you and Love on each one of you and meet all your needs. We know the Father knows all the details of our lives so everything about your life is important to Him and He Loves to hear from you.
Wow don't know what you just cooked up but it looks good! You can come up and cook that for me anytime ha! You guys look great, but you're getting up there, goodness if you are getting older, how did I get this old?? ha,
Bless you both for the support you give mom and dad, there is nothing like family to make things better, even if it is just being home and surrounded with those that love you and you love them.
I'm just about to hit the hay, but wanted to drop in and see what you guys were all up to. Good thing I'm full or I'd go to bed hungry looking at that pot of veggies and ? ha, I'm sure it isn't deer meat!!
love you all
Alright you men, if you are going to leave this picture up of you cooking the least you can do is give us the recipe!! What ever that is it looks so good.
OK share your secrets, I want to taste some. - Veggies are good, I love them-----------what's in the pot? I promise to keep you secret recipe stictly in the family ha!!
Nathan you look like it is done and you are chomping at the bit to dish yourself up some. yum!
love you
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