With God ALL things are possible! Today was a great day,Dad was feeling great and doing so good today.
Praise the Lord.
He was in a picture taking mood today, it was a beautiful sunny day.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, give thanks to Him and praise His Name. Psalms 1oo
You are a lovely couple! My thoughts and prayers are with you both and just wanted to see if I had missed anything on the blog ha, I am sure glad I stopped in!! I love reading all you write. I pray your day has been a good one.
My day has been filled with domestic duties, Russ's son Bill is back and they are out hunting so I needed to get his room ready AGAIN ha, food and the usual accomodations for family, how much do two men need to hunt?????????? ha,!!!!!!! she'sh! Well the house is quiet and that counts for something!
I'm doing a study on all the inlaws and outlaws of Abraham's family on the Arab side. Including his Nephew Lot's linage. Ha, want to open a can of worms trace that one out. Well it is quite illuminating and --------- most likely I'll be here for ha,months? but it has a looming message of consequence over it all - , 'don't try to do God's will your way,' she'sh! nothing but generational messes that dribble down generation after generation.
I know you both have you individual interests in study, and bless the LORD isn't it amazing how we'll never this side of heaven get to the end of this amazing book. Love you and just want you to know you are thought of daily.
Romans 8:16 "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs----heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."
As God's children HIS eyes are fastened on you! HIS ears are attentive to all you say to HIM!
bless your both!
Just thinking of you both this morning and hoping the best for you.
Abigail called (Shorty's and Cotton's daughter) and her little girl Hailey (spelling) were on their way to Seattle Childrens Hospital, Hailey has a birth mark on her face that could potentially become cancerous in time. She has had one surgery and now this is the second one. It is going to be at 8:45 this morning. They request prayer for the surgery and healing.
I love you and pray God gives you peace of mind and heart. You are thought of daily, and my prayer is you have grace to meet each day. I know in trials we sometimes can't look to far ahead, today is where we live and we need the grace to get us through this day, then we take one day at a time.
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom (what)shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom (what)shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1
love and blessings
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