Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach us oh Lord to understand the length of our life,so that everyday is put to Glorifying and Pleasing you as a sweet aroma that we would recognize that everything we have is because of you,and nothing we do is because of us. We Bless you Father, In Jesus Precious Name.
Good morning Sandy,
Just getting ready for church and thought of you. Love you and pray God is strengthening your spirits and giving you the inner fortitude to take each day as it comes. A thousand mixed messages and feelings go through us when we deal with the unknown------and I know it takes every bit of our faith to fasten it on Jesus and cast off all else but HIS will for the day. HE understands your humanness and loves you for your choice of making HIM LORD. I love you sister and pray for you daily. I pray you have a blessed Lord's day.
Well, I tried leaving a comment yesterday for you both but saw today that 'it didn't take'. Not sure why but in any case, you both are in my thoughts and prayers as well.
"The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
Hi, Ron, Sandy:
Just wondering how you guys are? I was wondering if you could put an up date on the blog to let us know how things are going. I know when it is day by day and things are up and things are down sometimes-------we don't always know what is approaprate to write. But it does not matter just hearing from you regardless blesses me and lets me personally know how things are for you.
I know when Russ had his stroke a few years ago, people would want to be updated and somedays it was like, "well he is still drewling, out of the right side of his mouth, but his shirt isn't as wet, he is able to wipe his mouth now," ha,???????? what to say??? "he can put his pants on by himself, that right leg is cooperating, that's a praise???" ha, ahhhhhh the joys of life sometimes huh?
Well how are the seizures? Are they still menacing you? Does the natural meds seem to help? Are you having, less, more, none? We just do not know sometimes which way to turn.
I do miss the updates on how you are feeling and generally how you folks are doing. I know living in your little quarters is ha, not Friday Harbor so it has to be a bit stressful at times. We are creatures of habit and love our privacy and quiet and our own home, things, chair, bed, etc. Does it look like you'll be able to go back to Friday Harbor or does it look like you'll be where you are indefinately?
Love you, think about you daily and hope the best for you both.
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