Sunday, October 14, 2012

Being watchful,alert,aware!

With God ALL things are possible!
As I sit by the fire watching my Husband sleep I ponder the things I have read over and over in God's precious word. Be watchful,stay alert,be aware! If you haven't noticed, the Lord repeats Himself over and over on key things to get our attention, the key is are we paying attention?
Do we stop and examine and take notice why he repeats what He says'!
I look at how our Heavenly Father warned the Israelite's repeatedly "warning" them first.............
Moses and Aron pleading interceding on behalf of the people, Moses telling the people---this is how you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these things I have done---for I have not done them on my own---------Interesting this is what Jesus said I tell you the Truth the Son can do nothing by himself, He does only what He sees the Father doing, whatever the father does the son does also John 5:19 Also in John 12:50
I say what ever the Father tells me to say--------"God's words lift right off the pages"
Father God is slow to anger,full of compassionate love,this is so evident!
But Father God also gives us a follow, obey, apply, trust, depend, commit,have a heart pliable to change by His refining fire, yielding our self centered goals,Ideas,plans,activities to His way, and will! What is our daily choice? because that's exactly what it is!
we jeopardize our fellowship and walk and prayer life!
God's word clearly says an un-repented heart He does not hear! We can not fool God---
11 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, {who are called by my name} will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, {then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land-----I'd say that's pretty clear to me---------
God's word says to "me" make a choice---------
who's side are you on? "the side of the Lord's" or     the worlds...........there is no middle ground,,,,,,,,,
He made this so clear over and over to the Israelite's, and to us His Church.
"God just killed um! "Dead! "swallowed up, plaques,"burned up! you name it!!!!!! or read it!!!!!
O My goodness! What makes us any different?
We are more concerned about our physical condition our flesh---than our Spiritual condition.....
We can escape this pattern only buy paying attention to all the signs of the Lord's presence that we have been given to us.
O God you have guided and protected us, you continually answer prayer, if we only open our blind eyes and look at the History we have with you..........O Father keep us alert in prayer,watchful in your word,keeping our minds and hearts aware and sensitive to the subtleties that will creep in if we are not spiritually equipped by your word and Prayer,
if we don't make an intentional effort to be in your word, how can we feed on the very morsels and nuggets you have hidden in plain sight and be in  your presence. O God were in trouble your Church at large is in big trouble...............
Press your Church in Lord Jesus one by one giving them a greater desire to sit with you one on one!
Lord Jesus where we are most vulnerable keep us shored up with your defenses through prayer defeating the enemies tactics, schemes, manipulations,deception, Jesus you tell us through your word "stay awake"!
"morally vigilant", "pray till we pray" O God may we encourage one another in your ways may our conversations become more intentional about you,open our spiritual eyes O God we can't afford to be spiritually unfit,we are seeing the church your bride get picked off one by one,on the battle field! Wake up! For it is impossible to bring back to repentance  those who were once enlightened,those who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit,who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come, and then who turn away from you O God, It is impossible to bring such people back to repentance by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing Him to the cross once again and holding Him up to public shame.Oh God you call us by Name...............You stand at the hearts door knocking waiting-------------and you are the one who closes the door----------Lord! Lord! we did all these things in your name! But the door will be shut-------O God deal with the condition of our hearts, for your redemption is drawing nigh.Set us apart----- for you alone-----O God help us to be self controlled, alert ,diligent, vigilant, watchful, mindful, aware, for we know we have an enemy who wants to take us down,,distract us, trip us up, take our eyes off of you----------Father keep us of one mind sympathizing with each other,filled with your Love, tender hearted, keeping a humble attitude, O Father that we would love you with all of our heart mind soul and strength. I Love you Lord, I Love how you will bend down to hear the plea and cry of your Church, your bride, Bless you Lord with all my soul.
We continually ask for the prayers of God's people to be over us as we endure and over come each day,that the Lord would continue to show Himself through our Marriage,that the Lord would be Glorified in every way as we walk through what He has purposed in our lives.
We all have aches and pains sore muscles,achy joints,headaches, tiredness, weakness, mental sluggishness at times, but when caused by  "Brain Cancer" all these symptoms are occurring at once, we pay more attention, were more alert, more watchful, more aware, to the symptoms knowing what may follow.
Dad and I are so grateful and thankful for each day the Lord gives us to hem in close to Himself,strengthening us each day through His word and prayer,realizing this world is not our home! But while we are still here we stay firmly planted,steadfast in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Not to us O Lord ! Not to us but to your Name we give Glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and faithfulness Ps 115
We Bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ

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