Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nearer Lord Jesus

A Special Prayer For Ron and Sandie:

"Father in Heaven, thank You for making yourself known to us through Your Son Jesus Christ and by the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
I know for a fact that Ron and Sandie have hope only because of You and Your amazing love shed upon their hearts. Thank You for this, God of Hope.

Lord, I pray that You would draw nearer to them this week in whatever they are doing and whoever they are with. I pray that Your Presence would be felt in a tangible way in which ever ways You know best to reveal more of Yourself to them.

I pray that You would rest upon them PEACE that passes all understanding. I pray that You would give them PEACE in all that might concern their souls and that the JOY that is sometimes a great mystery would permeate their souls and lift their sights higher than any circumstance that might be burdening them right now. Oh Lord, be the lifter of their heads.

You are so very real and yet sometimes, as You know very well, it seems like You are far away and hard to reach. We know that this is not true for Your word says You are near (Psalm 119:51), yet tonight and throughout the week, would You allow them to experience Your presence by The Power of The Holy Spirit by refreshing their souls, reviving their hearts and empowering their lives.

Protect them Lord from the enemy and strengthen and gird them up for the weeks and months ahead. Thank You for Your healing Power that has kept them and made them able to live healthy lives and enjoy Your beauty that surrounds them. What an amazing gift You’ve given them. May their gift, in part, be to You great faith in response to their ever present God.

Thank You for drawing nearer to them both and for revealing more of who You are, Oh Immanuel, ‘GOD WITH US’.

This is my prayer and I thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, In Jesus Name and His Name alone I’ve prayed this. So be it.”

Ron and Sandie, I can't help but think about the scriptures that give description of how people reacted and responded as Jesus drew near. Hmmmm...that's an interesting study isn't it?
What the Bible proclaims as fact is that when Jesus drew near people rejoiced, worshipped, were convicted, forgiven, made right in the mind, healed, restored, empowered, encouraged and more!!!

Praise The Lord that just by acknowledging Jesus presence changes our lives so we lift up our eyes to the hills from where our help comes from and we wait patiently for Him to draw nearer.

"You, too, must be patient. And take courage, for the coming of the Lord
is near." James 5:8


1 comment:

Sandie Cuellar said...

Thank you Stephanie,I Love how the Love of God flows through you, May the Lord Jesus Bless you and continually hold you close in His arms,carring you everyday,filling you up with all His Word as it steps off the pages every time you read it.I Love you Merry Christmas.