Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I woke up this morning about 5:30 went down stairs,spent time with the Lord, Dad got up and we talked, shared and Prayed, He started making breakfast and I wanted to call on a friend who has been very sick,His wife answered the phone and I asked how she was doing and then asked How Her husband was doing,and she said "he passed away Monday"! This was Ron's Work Partner.
Below are some Pic's of our Son,Wife, Baby Jewel's visit,her 1st time flying she did good!

It's been a full last 2 months and I Just am not feeling 100% Our Youngest Son Nathan and His wife Sidjae and baby Jewel left last week, we enjoyed our time with them fully so Blessed they made the sacrifice to come see us. I miss Baby Jewel our Grandaughter I was sad to walk by her room she stayed in and she was not there, to see her in the morning and hear her little voice,to smell her baby skin,and to hold her cuddly body! I loved our time together,she loved the yard to run, run, run, and play, she experienced the deer on the property,sam the neighbor dog, and going for a boat ride! Dad has been doing great, all tho he had a bad seizure Monday, they seem to be getting more intense,when they come on. We thank the Lord for each day He gives us and endure through the tough days with His strength.
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