These past weeks have been restful and a lot of doing nothing!
Well your doing something when your doing nothing,right? It feels great anywho!
We thank our Lord for everyday He gives us,no matter the circumstance. Ron is looking Great and feeling great,He continues to Have mini focal seizures daily,
which is a burning down the side of his torso,
arm,fingertips, burning in the back of his ear and head,
upper lip gets numb, his tongue and teeth get numb,
a weird taste comes in his mouth, his speech is effected,
burning down into his leg and arch of his foot,
this all happens on the left side of his body.
The tumor is on the right side of his brain.
It is like taking a hose and kinking it so no water flows threw, it is the disruption of the normal flow of electricity which causes focal seizures,the numbness and burning........
The brain is like a computer for the center of your body, each part of the brain controls a different function of your body. Symptoms depend on where within the brain the tumor is located. We continue to expect a miracle. If Dad did not have these seizures we would not know he had a tumor. That's how good He feels, "and this little buger wants to have residency in His Brain". In Jesus Name I ask that this Tumor no longer be a part of Dads Brain,
A-men------We ask the Father to use us and work in and thru us how ever He chooses. Thank you all for your continued Prayers and Friendship, all over the World.
I know there are many this Time of Year who have great emptiness and loss, some have lost their Loved ones, "only to have memories and the Blessed Hope of meeting them in Heaven", Emmanuel God is with us ....my heart grieves with you,may we share in your sorrows and have hearts of compassion, and care deeply for your sadness, Jesus Christ, knows all your Pain, He knows how real your Pains is, that is why He can sympathize with you, and intercede for you,we can come along side you, hug you be an ear if need be. Be that physical touch. Lord You who are the Light of the World, Help us to radiate the warmth of your presence. Enable us to give of ourselves generously and compassionately In bringing joy, peace, and hope to others. In Jesus Name.
It seems we get caught up in the hustle and bustle ,scurry around buying gifts, who will I buy for! what will I get so n so, will they like it ? oh man, baking cookies,,Christmas cards to send out, ugggggggg!preparing for guests, thinking about the meals we will prepare,
buy this time you probably have a new hair do ,and I don't mean by the hair dresser!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you over it yet??????????
Well take a deep breath!!!!! Relax......... Stop and just take a minute to give thought to what Christmas Really means to you.
Because everything we do in our life is important to our Lord. Even our chaos to the very last detail.
"it is easy to miss "the reason for the season", the birth of God's son, Jesus Christ.
Christ, is the only hope of all peoples,
The wisdom who teaches and guides us,
The wonderful Counselor who encourages and consoles,
The Prince of Peace who calms our troubled minds And restless spirits—
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
The blessing of the LORD be upon you; we bless you in the name of the LORD."
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