Ron and I are doing Great,Our Lord Jesus is so merciful and full of grace as he gives us a new day. We are going to have our 5th Grandbaby and it will be our 2ND girl to the family,Ronnie and Viana are having a girl! We are excited to meet this precious one in March 2012. Our Quiver is getting full,All Glory to Our Father in Heaven.
Ron is doing great, we are so amazed at how he is doing so good daily,we will be going down in March 2012 For his MRI and Dr's visits, we have been canceling all of his up coming appts,so we will have gone over a year without seeing his Drs. It has been 2 years this Oct 4Th since Ron was diagnosed with His inoperable Brain Tumor. "He did not have a biopsy nor surgery" since His Tumor was inoperable, we thank the Lord each day ........ Only the Lord knows the number of our days! We are Blessed each day we are given,and during this time the Lord has been growing us in Him to trust Him more, lean on Him heavily,Helping us daily to see he is our ultimate need in this life.He is who sustains us.
I was reading in Isaiah 40:12-31
this describes God's power to create,
His provision to sustain,---and his presence to help.
God is almighty and all-powerful: He cares for each of us personally .No Person or thing can compare to Our Heavenly Father God. We try to describe God as best we can with our limited knowledge and conversation,but we only limit our understanding of him and his power when we compare him to what we experience on this earth.
God Gave us a great gift of salvation eternal life in and through his son Jesus Christ, the more Ron and I get to know Jesus, and how much He loves us, We pray daily we would not limit His work in our lives by us underestimating who He is and what he has done and is doing daily in and through us. I Pray as you read this no matter what you may go through are going through, you don't have to go it alone! The Lord is only a breath a way,He loves when we take all our burdens, sorrows, troubles, tumors, sadness,hurts to him, trust Him,
If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior I want to tell you He is the Best "good news" you will hear today,-------It is the good news that God saves us from our sin. But in order to enter into a wonderful new relationship with God we must believe that Jesus Died for us and that He forgives us of all our sins. He is your only Hope in this Life----- the Bible says those that call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. If you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. God Loves you so much, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God and it is confessing with your mouth that you are saved----Acknowledge Him today, His word is truth and He is trustworthy. Romans 10:9,10 ! John 1:9 God is Mercy and Grace I Pray you respond to Him today, today maybe all you have!
May the Lord Jesus Bless you all who read and check in.
I Love you and thank you for your ongoing prayers over Ron and I
Love Sandie