With God ALL things are possible!
"Happy thanksgiving"
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17
In 1789, President George Washington designated the first national Thanksgiving Day when he issued a proclamation for "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God."In our day, it can be very easy during our feasting to forget about the one we are celebrating on Thanksgiving.
The primary reason we were put on this earth as human beings was to glorify God and to give Him thanks.
The Bible tells us this again and again.
Psalm 107:1 says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."
Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Hebrews 13:15 says, "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."In Everything give thanks 1 Thessolonians
Scripture incourages us always to voice our gratitude to the Lord.
Praise and worship can sometimes be a sacrifice because we don't want to do it.
And that might be because we are depressed or down or things aren't going that well.
It may be that hardship or tragedy has befallen us, and we don't feel like praising God.
But the Bible does not say give thanks to the Lord because you feel good.
Rather, it says,
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!" May we put things into perspective. His Perspective!
Ron and I Pray you have a wonderful day of thanksgiving and are blessed with your Family's, and Friends--------We really do have much to be thankful for.
Were only a breath away from the one who created us, for His Purpose and His Glory.
Ron and Sandie
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday----- Monday!
With God ALL things are possible!
Its Monday night, Ron has a fire going to help keep the chill off our bones. Burrrrrrrr! 30's winter is creeping in beautifully! We have been enjoying taking our walks every opportunity we can, cool, brisk, mornings. We Love It!
Ron has been doing so good, The left side of his face is numb around his jaw, and has been for about 6 months. This is to be expected due to the Brain Tumor growing,or invading the space in his brain, pressing on nerves. {Ron's In-operable Tumor is on the left side of his brain above His ear 5.9 cm } He noticed he had an abscess in his mouth on his gum, I looked at it and saw that it was totally infected,---- nasty---he should of been in a-lot of pain---------and wasn't--------not good------ he has no feeling.
His upper Right eye-brow and eye have been having spasms, the last week so we looked on line and found that the cranial nerves run in those to facial areas which now make sense--the tumor is pressing on these nerves which would cause a lack of sensation, feeling, no pain, which is a blessing for no pain but not good for an infection! So we popped that nasty hitch-hiker, he peroxided, salt rinses for a week and his mouth looks great!
He has not had 1 seizure this Month! Praise God!---------Everyday is a blessing.
Here are a few pic's of a brain to see all the cranial nerves we have, Facial etc.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Love Sandie
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We have much to be thankful for!

Sasha Blaze

Nyah Bless His Birthday Umbrella and rain boots the simple things in life

Elijah Mosiah

Nyah Bless------------Sasha Blaze
Jewel London
Jewel London
With God ALL things are possible!
As I am sitting here writing I am blown away that this year is almost over! We are soon to enter "2012" Our weather is rain,rain, rain, we love it,Ron has a fire going, I found some cinnamon sticks put some water on and simmered the sticks for some cinnamon tea,hummmmmmmmm! the house smells like the holidays, and the tea is so good.
Ron and I are Blessed everyday the Lord allows us to have another day together.
We wake up literally Praising the Lord for another day. I do have to confess I am missing my Family much. Our Grandbabies-----they are getting so big. Jewel London is heading into her 7th month,Sasha Blaze 19 months,Nyah Bless just turned 4 years,Elijah Mosiah will be 13 years Jan WOW! I am looking so forward to see my babies-----Ella Koa Divine will be our new arrival in March 2012----she is our unborn Grandaughter to be--------The Lord Jesus has blessed us with healthy beautiful grandchildren. I Miss them much------
Ron and I will be staying here in Friday Harbor this Thanksgiving. This will actually be the first time we have not been going back in forth to Santa Barbara every 6 months for His MRI's We have stayed put since last March after His visit to Dr Linda Lieu UCLA
I think she scared us! When she was so eager to get into Ron's Brain. From that point on we pretty much cancelled all upcoming Dr Appointments! I Love the Lords counsel much better.
We had a wonderful summer enjoying Beautiful Friday Harbor, privileged to travel the waters and see the beauty only our Heavenly Father could so beautifully design. I Love reading His Word, it shows the very Nature and character of who Our Lord Jesus Is,-- everything about Gods word points us to Jesus the most beautiful Gift given to the world------ let me share a few verses from God's Holy Word------you will understand why I get so excited about sharing My Lord, He is worthy to be praised,acknowledged in everyway, he is our thanksgiving and gratefulness. Jesus is who sustains our lives ----He created us for his purpose and His Glory! Our Life is not our own! We are His...... God is so bent on making us more like Jesus everyday, I am so blessed and privileged to be a witness of His work personally in My husbands life. We are realizing we may not be healed physically,but the work that Jesus is doing from the inside out prepares us for that day when we meet Him face to face.The more we put our focus on Jesus, it takes our eyes off of our self!!!! and our circumstances!!!! this does not come naturally, it takes a daily commitment. Being in His Holy word seeking His councel in every area of our life.
Be encouraged by the Power of His word
Isaiah 40
This is what the Lord says there is no one equal to Him!
I am the one who made the earth
and created people to live on it.
With my hands I stretched out the heavens.
All the stars are at my command.
Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?
Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
Does he need instruction about what is good?
Did someone teach him what is right
or show him the path of justice?
No, for all the nations of the world
are but a drop in the bucket.
They are nothing more
than dust on the scales.
He picks up the whole earth
as though it were a grain of sand.
All the wood in Lebanon’s forests
and all Lebanon’s animals would not be enough
to make a burnt offering worthy of our God.
To whom can you compare God?
I Love you all and thank you for taking the time to read,and pray for Ron and I, with out Jesus we would be running off our own strength,I am so thankful we Have a friend in Jesus who carries all our burdens, all our cares of the day. Where we are weak He is strong. May the Lord Bless you all
In Jesus Precious compassionate Name.
Love Sandie
As I am sitting here writing I am blown away that this year is almost over! We are soon to enter "2012" Our weather is rain,rain, rain, we love it,Ron has a fire going, I found some cinnamon sticks put some water on and simmered the sticks for some cinnamon tea,hummmmmmmmm! the house smells like the holidays, and the tea is so good.
Ron and I are Blessed everyday the Lord allows us to have another day together.
We wake up literally Praising the Lord for another day. I do have to confess I am missing my Family much. Our Grandbabies-----they are getting so big. Jewel London is heading into her 7th month,Sasha Blaze 19 months,Nyah Bless just turned 4 years,Elijah Mosiah will be 13 years Jan WOW! I am looking so forward to see my babies-----Ella Koa Divine will be our new arrival in March 2012----she is our unborn Grandaughter to be--------The Lord Jesus has blessed us with healthy beautiful grandchildren. I Miss them much------
Ron and I will be staying here in Friday Harbor this Thanksgiving. This will actually be the first time we have not been going back in forth to Santa Barbara every 6 months for His MRI's We have stayed put since last March after His visit to Dr Linda Lieu UCLA
I think she scared us! When she was so eager to get into Ron's Brain. From that point on we pretty much cancelled all upcoming Dr Appointments! I Love the Lords counsel much better.
We had a wonderful summer enjoying Beautiful Friday Harbor, privileged to travel the waters and see the beauty only our Heavenly Father could so beautifully design. I Love reading His Word, it shows the very Nature and character of who Our Lord Jesus Is,-- everything about Gods word points us to Jesus the most beautiful Gift given to the world------ let me share a few verses from God's Holy Word------you will understand why I get so excited about sharing My Lord, He is worthy to be praised,acknowledged in everyway, he is our thanksgiving and gratefulness. Jesus is who sustains our lives ----He created us for his purpose and His Glory! Our Life is not our own! We are His...... God is so bent on making us more like Jesus everyday, I am so blessed and privileged to be a witness of His work personally in My husbands life. We are realizing we may not be healed physically,but the work that Jesus is doing from the inside out prepares us for that day when we meet Him face to face.The more we put our focus on Jesus, it takes our eyes off of our self!!!! and our circumstances!!!! this does not come naturally, it takes a daily commitment. Being in His Holy word seeking His councel in every area of our life.
Be encouraged by the Power of His word
Isaiah 40
This is what the Lord says there is no one equal to Him!
I am the one who made the earth
and created people to live on it.
With my hands I stretched out the heavens.
All the stars are at my command.
Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?
Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
Does he need instruction about what is good?
Did someone teach him what is right
or show him the path of justice?
No, for all the nations of the world
are but a drop in the bucket.
They are nothing more
than dust on the scales.
He picks up the whole earth
as though it were a grain of sand.
All the wood in Lebanon’s forests
and all Lebanon’s animals would not be enough
to make a burnt offering worthy of our God.
To whom can you compare God?
I Love you all and thank you for taking the time to read,and pray for Ron and I, with out Jesus we would be running off our own strength,I am so thankful we Have a friend in Jesus who carries all our burdens, all our cares of the day. Where we are weak He is strong. May the Lord Bless you all
In Jesus Precious compassionate Name.
Love Sandie
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ! Were having our 5th Grandbaby-------Its going to be a girl..............
Sasha Blaze 18 months
Nyah Bless Going to be 4 years old Nov 8th
With God ALL things are possible! Hello -------------Already the end of Oct 2011----------Beautiful to watch the Glory of our Lords handiwork all around us.Leaves are changing weather getting colder---------------

Ron and I are doing Great,Our Lord Jesus is so merciful and full of grace as he gives us a new day. We are going to have our 5th Grandbaby and it will be our 2ND girl to the family,Ronnie and Viana are having a girl! We are excited to meet this precious one in March 2012. Our Quiver is getting full,All Glory to Our Father in Heaven.
Ron is doing great, we are so amazed at how he is doing so good daily,we will be going down in March 2012 For his MRI and Dr's visits, we have been canceling all of his up coming appts,so we will have gone over a year without seeing his Drs. It has been 2 years this Oct 4Th since Ron was diagnosed with His inoperable Brain Tumor. "He did not have a biopsy nor surgery" since His Tumor was inoperable, we thank the Lord each day ........ Only the Lord knows the number of our days! We are Blessed each day we are given,and during this time the Lord has been growing us in Him to trust Him more, lean on Him heavily,Helping us daily to see he is our ultimate need in this life.He is who sustains us.
I was reading in Isaiah 40:12-31
this describes God's power to create,
His provision to sustain,---and his presence to help.
God is almighty and all-powerful: He cares for each of us personally .No Person or thing can compare to Our Heavenly Father God. We try to describe God as best we can with our limited knowledge and conversation,but we only limit our understanding of him and his power when we compare him to what we experience on this earth.
God Gave us a great gift of salvation eternal life in and through his son Jesus Christ, the more Ron and I get to know Jesus, and how much He loves us, We pray daily we would not limit His work in our lives by us underestimating who He is and what he has done and is doing daily in and through us. I Pray as you read this no matter what you may go through are going through, you don't have to go it alone! The Lord is only a breath a way,He loves when we take all our burdens, sorrows, troubles, tumors, sadness,hurts to him, trust Him,
If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior I want to tell you He is the Best "good news" you will hear today,-------It is the good news that God saves us from our sin. But in order to enter into a wonderful new relationship with God we must believe that Jesus Died for us and that He forgives us of all our sins. He is your only Hope in this Life----- the Bible says those that call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. If you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. God Loves you so much, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God and it is confessing with your mouth that you are saved----Acknowledge Him today, His word is truth and He is trustworthy. Romans 10:9,10 ! John 1:9 God is Mercy and Grace I Pray you respond to Him today, today maybe all you have!
May the Lord Jesus Bless you all who read and check in.
I Love you and thank you for your ongoing prayers over Ron and I
Love Sandie
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A New Year,2011-- A Faithful Heavenly Father.
With God ALL things are possible! This stands true today as it did a year ago,2000 years ago! It has been a long time since I have Blogged. And God is still in control............... Praise His Name. So much time has passed since May 2010------ Ron is doing so good, we can only Glorify the Lord God Almighty for His Sustaining Ron daily, Our last Dr's visit was Jan 23rd 2011 UCLA We went to see Dr Linda Liau Top Nero Surgeon done over 3000 Brain surgery's ,we listened to what she had to say, the options were pretty grim........De bulking the tumor------no cure-----chemo-radiation-possible paralysis,physical therapy.etc......Prayed about it and the Lord showed us we did not need to go into a storm...............Ron has been doing great,other than having some seizures, we have noticed the left side of his face having some paralysis in the lower lip, but other than this, His everyday life is as normal as can be. He takes His 3000 mg of Keppra. He was having some mental fogginess remembering,clarity,alertness, but I gotta tell you we have a Big God and Prayer is a daily part of our life placing all things before our Lord Jesus. He is so good to restore Ron's Mental clarity, Everyday is a good day we wake up and look over and we both are getting out of bed! One thing I love is knowing that our Identity is in Jesus not this tumor! I Have a Man who wakes up everyday grateful and thankful for a new day.Our God gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless, those who trust in the Lord will find new strength,they will not grow weary. The Lord Jesus is our Strength when we have not so good days,but I would have to say we have more good days than not. Since my last Blog our youngest son Nathan has gotten Married He and his wife Sidjae have had our 4Th Grand baby a baby girl miss Jewel London, and we are going to have a fifth grand baby from our oldest son Ronnie and Miss V------ the Lord Jesus is filling our quiver with little arrows-----Ron and I pray daily they be set apart for Jesus Glory! The word of God Says -------Bring all who claim me as their God for I have made them for My Glory It was I who created them. Our Prayer is that our entire Family will claim the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior,and serve Him with all their heart mind and soul, the Lord says I am the Lord and their is no other Savior. From eternity to eternity I am God, their is no other rock, not one,I am the Lord who made all things, I am the Lord there is no other God. Let the whole world look to me for Salvation. I have sworn by my own name,I have spoken the Truth. To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? I am God and their is none like me. With one word I spoke the world into existence, when you look into the heavens every star I know by name. This is His Words the God who made Heaven and earth,who breathed all things into existence!----I Know how Trustworthy My Lord Jesus is,He has never failed me yet,His word stands true yesterday today and forever........Jesus is the only one who can save you from yourself. He came into this world to save us, give us eternal salvation with Him. He is our only Hope. His Love for you is endless,and a gift freely given,He is faithful to forgive,those who confess and acknowledge a need for Him. The Lord God Almighty is only a breathe away! I Love you,we love you and Pray you make a decision today and make Jesus the greatest Gift and assurance of Hope you can have in this life! Eternity with Jesus, Eternity separated from Jesus-------------To not make a decision is to make a decision! We all know Life is short non of us know the day or the hour our life will end-----------Where will you spend eternity? For God So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who ever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16 When you trust God you are Trusting the one who created you. When you turn you life over to the Lord Jesus ,you are turning your life over to the one who knows you inside out. Blessings to all who read, and may the eyes of your heart be opened to the way the truth and the life. Love in Jesus Name Sandie
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